Omnipresence Marketing: What Is It & Why You Should Use It

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Let’s talk about omnipresence.

It’s actually one of my favorite topics. I can’t tell you how many times I run into someone IRL and they tell me that they see me E V E R Y W H E R E.

The thing is…that’s by design. That doesn’t just happen. They see me everywhere because I strategically show up “everywhere” in their world. Trust me…it’s not as exhausting as it might sound. It’s actually working smarter, not harder.

There are a few tenants that help me to build omnipresence and I’m giving them all away here in no particular order. If you’re new to branding yourself, keep in mind that I didn’t implement them all at once. It kinda snowballed and that snowball has helped me to build my credibility and authority over time and it can help you do the same! Today, I travel the country and speak to real estate professionals everywhere about brand building and connecting online but just a few years ago, that wasn’t my reality. Soooo, how did I get people to start paying me to come to speak at their conference? I strategically built my brand and put myself E V E R Y W H E R E.

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Take Stock of Things You Are Already Doing

Start by taking stock of things you are already doing. Are you currently hosting a weekly team meeting? Do you currently host open houses? Are you managing the staging and prep of your new listing? All of those things can be documented and used as content to share on social media. As Gary Vee often says, “document, don’t create”. How can you take what you’re already doing and amplify its impact by sharing it with even more people?

real estate marketing ideas

Put Together an Email List

Stop procrastinating and finally put an email list together. This list should include past clients, people who have attended events you’ve hosted, and even prospective clients. Commit to sending them a monthly email newsletter but not a market update. Since these people haven’t raised their hands and said they’re interested in buying or selling real estate right now you’ll want to provide them with helpful information that keeps you top of mind but doesn’t shove real estate down their throats. Think more like a community event round-up or timely news that impacts your community. You want to position yourself as a helpful resource with this newsletter NOT TRY TO SELL A HOUSE. I know that may seem counterintuitive but trust me on this one.

real estate marketing ideas

Commit to a Social Media Platform

Commit to at least one platform to showcase your expertise. This could be a Youtube channel, TikTok, LinkedIn, or even a podcast. Share content on a regular basis to build your thought leadership and authority in the space.

Find me on Instagram and Pinterest for more real estate branding and marketing tips!

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Host a Quarterly Community Event

I’m not talking about a first-time home buyers workshop (although that can be helpful for other end goals). In this particular case, aim to become a well-known leader in your community. Gather people in your community together for something as simple as popsicles in the park or pictures with the Easter Bunny or Santa or whoever happens to be relevant that season. This could also be a quarterly Wine Wednesday event. It’s not an event about real estate, it’s an event about community and since you’re the one that’s hosting it…you get all the glory. 😉

real estate marketing ideas

Remember, you don’t have to implement all of these practices at once. Simply choose a couple to focus on and layer in new ones as you develop systems to help keep you on track. Being intentional with your brand will build that omnipresence that keeps you top of mind so when someone is ready to buy or sell they always think of you first.

real estate marketing ideas

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