5 ways REALTORS Can Use Video Content to Grow Their Business in 2023

As a realtor, using video content can be a great way to showcase properties and give buyers a sense of the area they’re considering buying in. But property tours aren’t the only type of video content REALTORS can make to grow their business. 

Check out these 5 simple ways you can use video content that you haven’t considered before.

Create 1 to 1 Video Content

Staying in touch with your SOI is important for all REALTORS but stale, awkward text messages can get old and an email often feels impersonal. Try creating a 30 second quick video to let someone know that you’re thinking of them. Be sure to use their name and be genuine when you ask how they’re doing. It may feel awkward at first but you’ll immediately stand out from the crowd of real estate agents who’ve also tried to contact them. #winning

Use Your Instagram Stories

Use IG stories to showcase the “behind the scenes” of your business. It’s important that your SOI consistently sees you active in your real estate business, showings, listing appointments, brokers’ opens, that real estate training you went to last week. Showcase that you’re “IN BUSINESS”. Not busy enough??…figure out how to get busy. Taking that action to be active in the industry will naturally call in more business.

Bonus: stories go away in 24 hours so there’s a lot less pressure to make them “perfect” 

Create Instagram Reels that Feature YOU

Create IG reels that feature YOU 2-3 times per week. If your follower count is feeling stagnant and you’re not getting much action in the comments section. Start posting reels more regularly. Instead of trying to hide behind the camera with home tours of properties that won’t be on the market in 30 days…create videos that showcase your expertise with your audiences’ needs and questions at the forefront. Positioning yourself as the expert and trusted advisor will go a long way in your business.

Spruce Up Your Newsletter

Spruce up your newsletter with a video intro. A short 1-2 minute value add video at the top of your newsletter can make your newsletter more interesting to the viewer. If you really want to get smart about repurposing…this video could be a reel you previously created for IG and are repurposing for your newsletter

Showcase Your Community and Organizations You Care About

Create recap videos of events you host for your local community. Scrolling through IG this holiday season, I’ve seen a ton of flyers for holiday parties for a cause hosted by brokers and agents. If you partner to host a food drive for your local shelter and you raised money/collected lots of donations create a video that showcases your care for the community and highlights the organization you care about. Sharing your values with your audience will help you attract clients and partners with similar values.

Remember, creating video content doesn’t need to be a daunting task and you don’t need to have an entire production crew to make an impact. Start small by creating videos from your phone, you’ll realize that video content goes a long way in building your brand and building trust in your community. Once that business starts rolling in, you can think about ways to increase your production quality by hiring an editor or videographer to help. What types of videos will you create in 2023?

Find me on Instagram and Pinterest for more real estate branding and marketing tips!


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